Abstracts in Russian or in English should be sent as attached file to e-mail to the Organizing Committee: elchem2020@yandex.ru
Abstracts should content one A4 (21 x 30 cm) page in electronic form in MS Word versions 2000, 2002, 2003. The files with the extension of docx will not be accepted. Graphic material should be included in the report.
The manuscripts should be submitted in single-spaced typing, 12 points Times font with 2.0 cm margin on the left, top, bottom and right. Each paragraph begins with space of 1.25 cm.
TITLE OF ABSTRACT – type 12, bold face, centered.
Name and Surname authors – font 12, italic, bold face, underline names of speakers
Affiliations, city, country, E-mail – type 12
Text– type 12
Abstracts of the reports against the rules and submitted late will not be considered.